Video Tozen Presentation

Rubber Expansion & Flexible Joint
Rubber flexible connectors have been specified and used for many years by consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, pressure vessel designers, plant engineers and turn-key construction firms. They are installed to accommodate movement in piping runs, protect piping from expansion and contraction.

Metal Expansion Joint & Flexible Hose
Thermal growth, overloading, metal fatigue, noise, excessive installation time and early maintenance problems can be significantly reduced or avoided with Tozen’s flexible connectors and expansion joints.We will design and manufacture to meet your specific applications or special need.

PTFE & TPU Expansion Joint & Flexible Hose
PT-Flonex(PTFE Expansion Joint), Poliflex (PTFE Flexible Joint) use for working temperatures, 70C to 200C. Maximum working pressures shall vary by number of bellows, sizes, and operating temperatures. PT- Flonex, Poliflex are widely used in chemical processing industries, paper mills, and water treatment plants.

Industrial Hose & Accessories
With its vast array of industrial hoses for a wide range of applications, Industrial Hose can meet all customer requirements: from the most basic and natural applications, such as to convey water, air or general fluid, to the most complex involving gas, steam, acids, chemicals, fuels and foodstuffs.

Vibration Isolation Products
Tozen vibration and noise control products are designed to isolate or reduce the damaging structure vibration and annoying noise produced by mechanical equipment. Tozen is well recognized as one of the best sources of vibration and noise control products to solve general and complex vibrations and noise problems nowadays.

Pumps & Valves
To ensure tight shutoff for application in chemical processing plants, power plants, refineries, shipbuilding, pulp and paper mills, and HVAC applications.